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Aug '09

seeing double

just realized there’s been no entry
in ramrom’s august pantry

time to go to bardmart
fill the cart
with words smart
throw a dart
be profound to confound
play sound to propound

august was a month of walk
around country club with christine to stalk and talk
a month of birthday parties to chalk

neighbor joy turns 80
bey turk and cs both beyond 50
GGG moonyit around the globe on fatt-fatt nifty

reunions abound
annual intercon gathering this time around
27-year catchup chirpings with melody found
a month of new and old unravellings astound

yesterday i saw double
removing stones in the yard did i huddle
my muscles did grumble
to linda’s hot tub bubble did i tumble
floating on margaritas, seeing 2 sistahs did i crumble
then off to cupertino park did i rumble
to watch shakespeare infamous fumble
comedy of double trouble

amidst backdrop of flying geese and sunset glow
antipholus and dromio twins intertwine blow after blow
while lydia and i on endorphins gloated and floated
with picnic meal of rillettes, pluot, okra and noodles digested

august a montage
of cozenage
28 “years have i but gone in travail”
now strumming life’s lyre

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