RAMs and ROMs: real events and divine contents

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Sep '09

tetris revelled

hey heheh hay
did u know there’s a national dictionary day?
whimsical ramrom to get underway
carpe diem tellitslant clay to splay

yesterday was splendid display
of going with the flow, come what may
jkap intent to bike on this side of the bay
turned out a different play
rummage through the closet to see what treasures lay
revive mac performa 578 in box left to decay

it booted, it’s alive
into mac’s drive let’s dive
darn it, where’s the mouse
a search to arouse
give up but let’s not grouse
head on to “weird stuff” old parts to browse
eureka, for one dollar we got the mouse
wait, get haircut before we head back to house

it works
jk smirks
old mac game fun lurks
for young turks

the afternoon was lost
sim city dried and died without water cost
and biking became lost cause
while taipan gets busy, mousakka and lamb dinner to boss
and moi, her “yellow face” to gloss
david hwang intertwines real with surreal with applause


“[you] take words like ‘asian’  and ‘american.’
like ‘race’ and ‘nation,’
mess them up so bad
no one has any idea what they even mean anymore.’

today revelled playing tetris on the mac  mac-performa-r
had a revelation attack
whoa, life’s alot like tetris game
the trick is to focus on the flame
to keep alive and max score
to fit the pieces life throws at you galore
take the time in easy levels to plug holes and correct flaw
go slow to keep low
cos later, u will reap what u sow
as bricks fall at faster clip, you’ll need to go with flow
don’t let the faster music your game blow
stay cool as snow

yea, eventually we die, game over
but till then, stay sober
daniel had logged highest score 10093
after some practice, i ranked # three

simple rules for life bliss
revelling with elation
a tetris revelation

life throws at us controllable and uncontrollable pieces
ah – the secret of not going into pieces
until one ceases
need to figure how to run the race
to obtain prize, run at the “right” pace
and reserve a place
for life thereafter in outer space

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