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Sep '07


2 kinds of vertigo experienced yesterday
one – physical, oxygen-starved spinning sway
while squeezing 1 more email send
before rushing to a meeting attend

the other – spiritual oxygen infusion kind
blest be the ties that bind
in my morning drive with 770 david jeremiah
how2 prime-the-prayer-pump, matthew 6:9-13 guide on fire

begin with praise to our heavenly Father, calling on His hallowed name
prioritize His will, bring His kingdom heaven down to earth in life reign

depend on Him for daily bread provision, He knows exactly what u need when
pray4personal relationships, forgiving our debtors, get right with others be4 right with Candyman can

pray4protection, lead us away from temptation and deliver us from evil
otherwise fall folly to frustration, fatigue and failure swivel

exchange mortal attempts with supernaturally controlled life to seal
end with praise for His kingdom, power, glory forever – amen of prayer meal

so, my darling, please surrender
all your love so warm and tender
let Him hold u in His arms, dear
while the moon shines bright above


all the stars will tell the story
of His love and all its glory

be His forever
be His tonight

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