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Sep '07

decision incisions

radio waves reaching my ears as i drive
ron mehl’s message on decision-making for fulfilling life
timely template as i contemplate
the intersections in hr woods to bake and take
for the decisions today i make
will affect me and others in future i now create
choose wisely for goodness sake

first, consider the future
4 simple questions to suture
– is it biblical, as what-not-to-do crystallizes what-to-do
– is it necessary, don’t go there if no need to
– is it the best choice given your position of influence
more influence means more eyes watching confluence
– is it wisely thought-through for positive congruence

second, consider God, hmm- that’s a thought
it’s free given to all, u’ve been bought and sought
harmony reigns when u let Him have His way
jeremiah 18:6 let Him be Potter, i be the clay
why subject to divine authority, ron surmises
to keep u from hurting yourself, others – avoid wasteful, nasty surprises

third, consider others for we are all connected
your actions ripple to family, friends, colleagues – community gets affected

fourth, consider your growth
only 1-life-to-live on planet earth
will it be meaningful dearth
full of mirth?

alright, last but not least
u have to decide whether or not to handle the beast

which way you goin’ billy?
can I go too?
which way you goin’ billy?
can I go with u?

which way you going, billy?
or need I ask?
cause u don’t want me, billy
u’re free to choose till final dusk

I won’t forget u, billy
for all your life
I’ll always love u, billy
I’ll stay through all your strife

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