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Aug '06


who wants to be a millionaire
well first, what is horripilation in order to get there
i recall listening to “learn a word a day”
on radio malaysia it did daily play

the contestant squirmed without life lines
tossing between “goosebumps” and “hives”
eyeing 125K prize vs walking away at 64K win
if wrong, tumbling to the 32K pinned

guess which way the dice rolled
he guessed “hives” and regis trolled
to bring on next fastest finger on the hot seat
but we learned from his horripilation defeat

it makes sense now that we know
in horror, little “pill bumps” pile up and grow
i checked to see if this was recently coined
online merriam-webster said 1 entry, but “free trial” please join

i said to heck with webster, let’s check out free wiki
alas – no such entry, but feel free to start an entry
well, i chose to start this on my blog
for anyone of you to react and defog

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