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Feb '07

don’t make light of choices

today’s sermon harshly voices
dwell in the light vs in darkness choices
john hannerman’s “hard words for hard hearts” spark
sourced from isaiah6 sync’d with john12 truths bark

v46 john 12 declares brightly that He has come into the world as a light
the logos goes, if one believes in Him, shouldn’t in darkness delight
u see, He did not come to judge the world but to save it, v47 declares
v48 blares a Judge at the last day for those denying the truths He bares

http://www.cyberhymnal.org/htm/a/m/a/amazing_grace.htm to another john newton link
to spark off other dots to blink and think

amazing grace! how sweet the sound
that saved a wretch like me!
i once was lost, but now am found
was blind, but now i see

how befitting with bill and grace our earthly hunger smite
after service, with tim sum bites at canton delight!

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