RAMs and ROMs: real events and divine contents

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May '07


it’s hard to fathom
what agitates the atom
of toxic provocation
that invokes negative reaction
that insinuates ill emotion
sparking further commotion

many journey permutations
why apprehensions instead of comprehensions
why tensions instead of gentle affections
why misjudgements instead of being a part of solutions
age old human condition through generations

u get out of life what u put in
what u inflict on others, u inflict within

carly says “eat your own dog food”
could taste bad, could be good

thoughts become words
words become action spurts

actions become habits
habits become lifestyle beats
lifestyle becomes destiny blitz, glitz or the pits

romans 12:2 rings
hope it brings
of this world, be not conformed
instead, be ye transformed

by the renewing of soul, heart and mind
divine life purpose to find
living in His peace with all human kind

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