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Jul '06

mamas and papas

monday, monday yesterday…so good to me
cos 19 years ago on this date, mama and papa became we
yea, it was california dreamin’ come true
this is birthday dedicated to one we love, yea you

you loved the book “my mama is a llama”
your papa was hercules poirot in the drama
you loved the sound of “funf” when barely five
at seven a “shinagawa” bump you survived
now look at you sprouting tall
a lad driving a cad and having a ball

life can never be, exactly like we want it to be
the future’s not ours you see
stars shining bright above thee
live your dreams is key

whatever it be, give it your all, your best
seek wisdom in God for the rest


2 Responses to “mamas and papas”

  1. Patricia Campos Says:

    To quote someone long ago from \’fluff city\’….


    It\’s true–it\’s you!

    Guess who???

  2. martie Says:

    You’re a poet
    And I didn’t even know it!

    You are a 21st century girl
    For me to do that would make my hair curl!