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Jul '07

animal farm

pbcc doug sauder illustrated leviticus16 “a priest and 2 goats”
which set sail my wandering mind boats
to float to orwell’s animal farm
as fatima noted, my tendency to quote animalistic balm

lit up atoning significance of yom kippur
under old covenant the priest was man’s sin purifier skipper
under new covenant, we have an Atoner eternal
no need for goat-bull-scapegoat-ram offerings to save us from dante’s inferno

do u have your ducks in a row?
which way are u skinning the cat to keep aglow?
this blog attempts to take the horse to water
don’t be like the frog in warm water grotto
put the horse ahead of the cart
as u rev different life engines to start
don’t settle for pig in the poke
if u do, restart using the choke
learn from the geese, flight to breeze
our faults to tease, strengths to please

amazing love how can it be?
that my King would die for me
amazing love i know it’s true
it’s my joy to honor U
in all i do
i honor U

leviticus discovery how scapegoat came about
william holman hunt’s painting beautifully tout

the scapegoat

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