RAMs and ROMs: real events and divine contents

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Feb '10

ramrom raps

it is done, it is out
so, what is ramrom raps about?

3725255cc_front_cover-360x540 is an anthology of introspective poetic
musings that capture the essence of the author’s life journey in “thirds.”
The author believes everyone is a life poet at heart wanting out.
She shares how she uses poetry-writing as a crystallizing process
to unveil authenticity and to invoke others to self-examine their
raison d’ĂȘtre
and to harness joie de vivre.

RAMROM RAPS inspires you to:

self-evaluate your life journey to glean wisdom for better steering ahead
tap the power of aligning your authentic self to life choices made
prioritize choices for a meaningful life as different stages in and out fade

PURCHASE online on Amazon.com or Barnes & Noble

Also Available on lulu.com
via this LINK if you like your very own copy or to give to someone to enjoy!


3 Responses to “ramrom raps”

  1. Erwan Says:

    Ramrom raps is a unique poetic log of Shirley’ journey on Earth … well, covering a couple of legs of a long and amazing journey … far from being completed.

    The readers will appreciate her subtle and sensitive insight along with welcome comments on how the poetry was inspired.

    After the CIA, Shirley deserves the CGP, for Certified Global Poetress!

    We look forward to reading Ramrom Raps 2

  2. Ramrom Says:

    Several expressed to me that they really appreciated the background context write-up on the leftside of each poem. This write-in captures well the sentiment:

    “it is the first time that I have read poems with your kind of treatment. Really giving background information for the creation of each poem gives me the sense of getting a glimpse into your life. I will continue to savor your creative insights and deep awareness in your poems.”

    Other unsolicitated reviews include:
    “I started your book last night and didn’t want to put it down. Thank you!…I am about 2/3 through RamRom Raps and having trouble putting it down…..”

    “I really did like the book and would have liked it even if I didn’t know the author. Congrats on a good job.”

    “your readings of Ramrom Raps excerpts make them come so alive, projecting their authenticity in a magical way…”

    Ramrom Raps thanks all for the kind encouragement and support!

  3. Joy Says:

    “You did a fantastic job on your book of memories and poems. I thoroughly enjoyed it because you expressed yourself sincerely honest and humorous at times. Thank you for sharing…”