RAMs and ROMs: real events and divine contents

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Aug '06


various dimensions in life we can traverse
how deep in the kaleidoscope to immerse?
how wide a u-turn to reverse?
how long do we have on this universe?

my father, he was tailor
sews my wedding dress
wedding dress dad
my father was a gambling man
3-D punting to overcome $$tress

just heard on television
a new 3-D dimension
diarrhea, dementia and death
now troubling mother’s living breath

how many dimensions does your kaleidoscope contain?
brings back sunday school reconfigured refrain
deep and wide, deep and wide
how deep and wide is your fountain flowing inside?

wide, wide as the ocean, high as the heavens above
deep, deep as the deepest sea is my Saviour’s love
i though so unworthy still am a child of His care
His love teaches and reaches me everywhere
multi-dimensional life fare, His glory to bear

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