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Oct '07


wriiting this as cold virus ravages
nose sore from trying to unclog bronchial passages
lips dry for wisps of air to keep alive
futile hacking cough to rid congestion is on overdrive

balaji pointed out, seems like this time last year
i was in the same cold doldrums to clear
so i checked on “gumbo” entry logged
by golly, indeed oct14 2006 with same cold bogged

lo and behold, amazon shipment of 3 books arrived yesterday
purchased using finance forum gift code came just in time my way
to take my mind off from wallowing in phlegm, some wisdom to delight
first to read “keeping the faith” on suggested list, shed hopeful insight

should be able to breeze thru the other 2 books, selected off the list
“what got u here won’t get u there” stumbled via october’s “knowlede@emory” mist

as I checked it to amazon’s shopping cart
a correlated list of connected books suggested, how click-smart
clicked paperback “360 leader” which turned-out2be workbook, hmm – a mistake4asurrealreason dart

so instead of jazz gumbo to soak in this weekend
it’s leadership mumbo-jumbo this time of year to attend

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