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Sep '06


the germans have it
2 words in 1 long soundbyte meet
vergangenheits is the past
bewaltigung is management, mastering the mast

compressed together
struggle to come to terms with past matter
live with consequences of dark chapters of past rust
life’s collected dust

dust in the wind
all we are is dust in the wind

galatians 6:7 has another way of slaying it, here it goes
a man reaps what he sows
not counting spaces, 19 letters in biblical wisdom prose
vs 25 letters used, the germans machen ein wort gross

quotes pastor and author charles swindoll
life is 10% what happens to us and 90% how we respond to it all
world according to sk says about life game and aim
life hands us different trump cards; how we play them out, lights our flame

at the bewitching end
the cpu breaks down and begins to rend
all fears and tears come to roost
a bit too late then to conquer demons let loose

so my friend
don’t wait till the end
conquer demons now, plant seeds of love and joy
positive karma to deploy

sowing in the morning
sowing seeds of kindness
sowing in the noontide
and the dewy eve
waiting for the harvest
and the time of reaping
we shall come rejoicing
bringing in the sheaves

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