intuitive dec12 christmas potluck dedication…
106. Wed 12 Dec ’07
12-12-12 ways of christmas
1 let’s pause to reflect
2 what Christmas is about intact
3 God’s greatest gift of all – Jesus who came to die on the Cross so we can live
4 a free gift of salvation, love, and hope, why is it so hard for us to receive?
5 Christmas is the time to celebrate peace and joy
6 to remind ourselves, futile human strength no longer need deploy
7 for our God supplies our every need
8 protection from evil, sins and sorrows to rid
9 all we have to do is walk close to Him and His voice heed
10 bless intuit and thank you for this time of fellowship
11 bless the nourishment we are about to receive and drinks to sip
12 thank you for Your love that binds us, to serve each other for Thy glory
1 afterall – isn’t this the Christmas story?
2 draw us closer together through this coming year
3 help ICF be a body of Christ strong, filled with good cheer
4 for the work of Christmas begins everyday
5 to find the lost, hearts gone astray
6 to heal those broken in spirit, to feed the hungry
7 to be a balm instead of being anxious and angry
8 to restore hope, to delight each other
9 to make joyful music, to lean on Your rudder
10 we pray we continue to radiate the Light of Christ every day
11 in every way, in all that we do and in all that we say
12 all these things we seek&pray closing with adapted romans 12 from apostle paul
– a blessed christmas to one and all
1 be not conformed to this world but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind
2 as we have many members in one body, all members have not the same office we find
3 having gifts differing according to the grace that is given to us
4 whether prophecy, or ministry, or teaching or exhortation immerse
5 or he that giveth, he that ruleth, he that sheweth mercy with cheerfulness
6 abhor that which is evil; cleave to that which is good
7 be kindly affectioned one to another in brotherly love mood
8 not slothful in business and fervent in spirit serving the Lord
9 rejoicing in hope; patient in tribulation; continuous prayer to God
10 bless them which persecute you, curse not, be not wise in your own conceits
11 provide things honest, live peaceably with all men, turn away deceits
12 avenge not but overcome evil with good you got
on the 12th day of christmas
my 1-and-only True Love gave to me
a Patriarch to set me free
110. Sun 23 Dec ’07
as simple as 1:23
yesterday max lucado pinged my inspiration tree
his simple message drawn from matthew 1:23
…and they shall call His name Immanuel”
a virgin birth in a manger, yes a barn, nothing swell
“immanu” means “with us” in hebrew, as it did 2000 years ago
“el” refers to Elohim, or “God” aglow
put them together, Jesus aka Immanuel means “God with us” now we know
not an “above us” God nor a “somewhere-in-the-neighborhood” goddess
He came as the “with us God” descending to earthly poverty to give us His richness
combine lucado with ung’s berita bethel rumination 143, 2 corinthians 8:9 to reveal
“..for your sakes He became poor, that ye through His poverty might be rich” deal
not “God with the rich” or “God with the religious”
but God with us – all of us
russians, germans, buddhists, bedouins, truck drivers, ceo’s, and librarians – God with us
red or yellow, black and white
we are all loved and precious in His sight
the fallen angel satan is with us too
your soul 24×7 to woo..
you’re free to choose who
no can 2 masters serve
God is binary; no in-between turf
u certainly have the choice
to voice
preference-4-earthly toys
toils and spoils
chocolate-covered boils
methinks, if u believe in God, u can’t reject Immanuel
if u walk with God, u can’t reject His Holy Spirit in your heart dwell
for they are all but one Holy Trinity well
in italy, the children write letters not to santa but to their earthly parents
to tell them how much they love them cadence
the letter is normally placed under the father’s plate and read
after the christmas eve dinner has been had
the birth of Christ is God’s letter to mankind
to give hope, a simple invite to taste His love divine
so simply great but hard to comprehend
came to live with us and die for us so we be with Him in earthly-n-heavenly pen
recalling german 101 rhyme
eins, zwei, drei
du bist frei…
111. Mon 24 Dec ’07
the rhyming gene runs in the family
me bro chuck chuckles along with me
here goes the christmas-in-novato jingle
our poetic spirits to co-mingle
to every season, everyone harken
there is a time to feast on turducken
and [yester]day was such a time
marking end of chuck’s and beginning of rom-rhyme
our turducken was made by chef gaik
opening up turkey, its bones to rake
deboned duck and chicken layers sit on turkey layer cake
stitch them together to turkey whole make to bake
matt and krissy shelled dungeness crabs
for a delish bisque to slurp up for grabs
adding to veggies, mashed potatoes, matt created creamed spinach
for dessert, gaik’s trifle with blueberries & persimmons was a rage
a joyous time to be had by all
reunited with bryan from east to west coast call
4 cal bears gathered at novato dining hall
it is certainly a charming christmas clan ball
112. Tue 25 Dec ’07
4 weddings, a funeral & christmas
a christmas thought came my way
deserving of sharing, so on my ram-rom wall display
dedicated to j3:16, someone dear
his christmas reflection so profoundly clear
over the course of the last 2 weeks
a wedding, a funeral, retirement parties mix
with notices of other “close ones” demise
saying goodbyes to miss
these events made him ask
an epiphany “to-launch-the-future-right” task
why does it always take a death, wedding or some dramatic event
for people to connect and talk with each other with thoughtful scent?
why do we wait
until it’s too late
to express what others meant to us
why do people not take the time to converse
to express a simple “thank u” for favors or insights received
directly or indirectly conceived?
he ponders further, why not strive
to focus on what truly matters in life?
to live in the moment and appreciate those
who’s part of one’s journey, a simple toast of thanks to close
passing his challenge, what’s the meaning of it all
time2pause for resolutions to enthrall
zig ziglar quoted that your attitude,
not your aptitude,
determines your altitude.
and poets have the latitude
to end with unknown platitude
indeed “gratitude
is the best attittude”
wishing all an appreciated christmas with matthew beautitudes
– blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven
– blessed are they who mourn, for they shall be in comfort tavern
– blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth
– blessed are they who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be in satisfied turf
– blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy
– blessed are the pure of heart, for they shall God see
– blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called children of God
– blessed are they who are persecuted for the sake of righteousness, for the heavenly kingdom is their lot
113. Tue 1 Jan ’08
so ferry ‘cross the mersey
life goes on day after day
so while the sun shines, make hay
so 2007 crossed to 2008
what’s in store, what to anticipate?
what if $86400 is deposited in thy account at start of each day
that is $1 for each second of a 24-hour life play
the catch is whatever is “unspent” at end of day goes away
what hogmanay gifts, or will it be invested in decay?
so Fairy, have mercy
safely take me where is “there”
meanwhile here i’ll stay
day by day
oh dear Lord, these things i bray
for some lad
so sad, so sad
sometimes she feels so sad
alone in her apartment she’d dwell
till the man of her dreams comes to break the spell
but – hang on there is hope, a better way
put on new lens henceforth this new year’s day
it doesn’t have to be this way
let Him show u a better play
no mountains too high, for u to climb
all u have to do, is have some climbing faith sublime
no rivers too wide, for u to make it across
all u have to do, is believe it when u pray to the Boss
He’ll be your cloud up in the sky
He’ll be your shoulder when u cry
He’ll hear your voices when u call
He’s your Angel
and when all hope is gone, He’s here
no matter how far u are, He’s near
it makes no difference who u are, to Him you’re dear
and when it’s time to face the storm
He’ll be right by your side
Grace will keep us safe and warm
and i know we will survive
and just when it seems as if your end is drawing near
don’t you dare give up the fight
just put your trust beyond the sky…
He’s your Angel
if u let Him, He’ll be your Angel
morning has broken, like the first morning
blackbird has spoken, like the first bird
praise for the singing, praise for the morning
praise for the springing fresh from the Word
mine is the sunlight, mine is the morning
born of the One Light, eden saw play
praise with elation, praise every morning
God’s recreation of the new day
114. Sat 5 Jan ’08
bacio divino
gushing into the new year
cleansing start in bay area
since yesterday’s stormy weather
havoc all over, helter skelter
17 and 101 closures meant eric declining
a nice hadji meal already prepared awaiting
we gained from eric’s loss, divine dining
so u see, rain clouds have a silver lining
taipan just crossed speed limit age
tirrell-hitchcock “norman” outpourings helped turn the page
bacio divino and chardotto port flowed in their nook
bushwhacking started with a batmanglij persian cookbook
followed with personalized dragon-etched martini glass
with a set of 6 silver picks to spear olives with class
listen to the pouring rain, listen to it pour
and with every drop of rain, u know we love taipan more
let it rain all night long
let love flame lalo many years strong
as long as we’re having fun together
who cares about the weather?
listen to the falling rain
listen to it fall
and with every drop of rain
taipan hears us call
call his name right out loud
he can hear above the clouds
and we’re here among the puddles
partaking in bacio divino huddles
it’s raining
it’s pouring
lalo will be snoring
sleeping like a babe thru the morning
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