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Aug '08

i say tomayto, u say tomahto

farmer lalo fallows
harvested these heirloom fellows

me sings, summer breeze makes me feel fine
going through the tomatoes of my mind

symbolic of perennial useless arguments, so are u fruit or a veg
if imported veg, per 1833 tariff act, 10% tax revenue fetch
ah semantics, defying definitions and relative truths war gong song
symbolic of life’s endless conflicts, matters of “my truth is right and yours is wrong”

me thinks about when i experiment fun and envelope push
the potential of my face getting tomato moosh
falling down on my tush

growing up as a kid, i spurned the taste of tomatoes
nor did i care much about potatoes
but now, i relish tomato slices with bufalo cheese slices
and oh my my, bruschetta certainly entices
and ahhhhh…picante salsa my tastebuds tantalizes
so see – how time and circumstance dices and splices
from despises to desired delectable spices

now i would even pop them cherry tomatoes for snack attacks
bursting with nutrients, the solanum lycopersicum smacks

think also about how u can stuff tomatoes with stuff up to snuff
mozarella, crumbs, nuts, pesto, chanterelles, corn, just off the cuff
reminiscent of us with tendency to clutter our lives not needing cluttering and buttering
yes, less can be more, hollow but full with feeling filling – life’s paradoxes are befuddling

last but not least, tomato i have become at this stage of life
plump, juicy and succulent full of learnings and oozing nutrients from strife

lookie what i did with our heirloom tomatoes, creative juices burst
do tilework with zucchini for jk’s 21st

jk who came to life because farmer lalo met moi
that resulted also this silly blog patois
u say “potato,” i say “patattah”
u say “tomahto”, i say “creole tomayta”

o, let’s call the whole thing off

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