flush, all day on the butt
colonoscopy prep, induced rut
flush out colon of crut
this is nuts
grates and takes guts
joan baez crooning
all my trials Lord, soon be over
flush of contacts today
via linked-in way
new and reunited
long-lost friendships re-ignited
flush release
when sliding on next venture grease
time to sign new lease
passion to please
hearts and minds to tease
as i connect them flushes
excitement rushes
best-is-yet-to-come crushes
flush of fresh dare
intake of collusive care
once again my soul to bare
new cross to bear
relishing His fare
the cheeks blush
as i await from above the royal plush
to gain entry into gates of pastures lush
meanwhile in-transit mush
leaning on His truss
“and it shall come to pass”….
a phrase 120 times immersion
in king james bible version
the river of jordan is muddy and cold
well it chills the body but not the soul.
all my trials Lord soon be over
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