RAMs and ROMs: real events and divine contents

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Nov '08


broken racquet
have strings restrung, easy fix racket

broken mac
u can replace that drive with burn attack

broken franck mueller
to have it serviced in hongkong, well trade landscape favor

broken digital camera
ship to canon repair center

broken china set
ain’t no way to piece back together for perfect fix get

broken phone
tone to atone
look for warranty to clone
broken blackberry
scramble dejected models to hone in a hurry

broken washer dryer
equipment do tire
tenants’ laundry in dire
a landlord’s quagmire

broken economy
broken foe and enemy
broken anatomy

broken savings
oh hell pell mell, means half to zero retirement cravings
rebalance portfolio for upturn
could be waiting for godot to churn
or get further burn

broken finger
fix with splinter

broken back
recover by laying in sack

broken old hip
muscles atrophy, no longer walk keep

broken neck
could translate to brain attack

broken heart in a broken world is worst to deal
hardest to heal
requires a broken body in Christ to appeal
to obtain salvation and divine love seal

i can still feel the breeze
that rustles through the trees
and misty memories of days gone by
we could never see tomorrow
no one said a word about the sorrow

and how can you mend a broken heart?
how can you stop the rain from falling down?
how can you stop the sun from shining?
what makes the world go round?

how can you mend this broken man?
how can a loser ever win?

please help us mend our broken hearts
and let us live again

we are not forsaken
in john 14:27 the Lord has spoken

“peace I leave with you,
My peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you.
let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.”

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