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May '09

mongkut, etc etc etc

just returned from “king and i” musical zing
quenched context behind “knowledge is king”
indeed mongkut did sing
“it’s good to be king”
echoed in history of the world,  badda-bing
led my mind wandering….


seeking kingly perfection
is such a distraction
a dangerous contraption
baiting false security and surreal expectation
yielding frustration
upon falling short in condemnation

human perfection has no margin for error, no room for compassion
it harbors fears and disdains embarrassment hence avoids attention
it’s binary arrogant, either u meet my standards or u don’t damnation
it’s a jealous, calculating king while u are lesser, imperfect subject slave condition

set of perfect standards can never be met
deviations it can never accept
woe to one when out of step
how can there be joy in such a relationship bet
feeling useless, an abject reject
how can human perfection be love object
for if one does some thing out of true love
it doesn’t demand one to fit like a glove

1 corinthians 13:4-7
describes perfect divine love poured from heaven
love is patient and kind..not crude
is not jealous or boastful or proud or rude
it does not demand its own way
it is not irritable, and it keeps no record of being wronged and it does not slay
it does not rejoice about injustice clout
but rejoices whenever the truth wins out
love never gives up, imbued with fragrant sense
it never loses faith, is always hopeful, and endures through every circumstance

mongkut experiences love toward his end
lets off perfect guard, becomes soft and human when perfection quest cannot sustain and attend
but getting2know and appreciate anna, well it’s too late baby now, it’s too late
too late to rewrite ending chapters when it’s nearing death date

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